About Me
![Image of me](https://cdn.glitch.com/2117c690-5ade-4cff-b75b-59982bbc0864%2Freal%20one.jpg?v=1619220576352)
Robert Kevin Espinoza Reyes
Let me introduce myself. My name is Robert Kevin, but most of the time I prefer that people call me Kevin. I am 21 years old. I am from Peru, and I live in Lima, which is the capital city of Peru. I am currently taking the Web and Computer Programming Certificate. I chose a bachelor's degree in Applied Technology because I love everything related to computers and technology.
I love to play soccer with my friends because I can get relax and stay healthy. I love to play the piano as well. I started to practice piano when I was 12. There was a piano course in my stake, and I decided to take it. I spent about three years learning new piano concepts and discovering new songs to play. I like video games related to soccer, such as Fifa or PES. I learned English when I was 15. I have studied for three years. Then, I served as a full-time missionary in the Ecuador Quito North Mission from 2018 to 2020.
The most I love about BYU-Idaho is that it allows students to achieve their educational goals. It is a great place to learn and serve others. Last semester I took the first course of my certificate, and I loved the topics and assignments for each class. Learning about Web Sites will allow me to discover a new world in which I can constructively use technology.
I have been a member of The Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since I was born. My favorite scripture is in the book of Mormon. In Alma 7:11, this scripture said that "And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people." I love this scripture because it reminds me of all the things my Savior does for me and all of you. I know I am not alone and that I have Jesus Christ's guidance to overcome my obstacles. I testify that we can find peace and rest in His name.
I am happy to get to know all of my classmates. Thank you for looking at my web page. I put my info in I-learn if anyone wants to work with me on any assignments. I love to help and serve others.
Picture Description
I took this picture in Ecuador, in a place called "San Pablo." There is a beautiful lake and a mountain view in this place. I lived there for five months as a missionary.